Slater Tournament-Girls bball tonight vs. Jamestown-7:30pm
*Also, senior night for bball/cheer will be held on 2/6 vs Orrick between varsity girls & boys game. (this is a make up game)

Santa Fe Elementary Basketball tonight, 5:00 pm vs. Sweet Springs in Waverly. We will be recognizing our 6th Grade players between the girls' & boys' games.

Superbowl Spirit week for elementary and high school
February 3rd-7th

Slater Tournament- Boys bball tonight vs Carrollton @ Slater 4:30pm

Slater Tournament-Girls bball tonight vs Slater @ 4:30pm

Santa Fe Elementary Basketball tonight, 5:00 pm at Concordia Elementary School.

Slater Tournament- Boys bball tonight vs Brunswick @4:30pm at Slater

Activities & Slater Tournament bracket

Santa Fe basketball @ St. Paul's tonight
5:00 pm JVB - 2 Quarters, (no JV girls), Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys

Santa Fe AgriLeaders: CORRECTION! Mo Ag Stewardship Conference is Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the Concordia Community Center from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Sorry for any confusion!

Santa Fe Elementary Basketball tonight vs. Trinity - 5:00 pm in Waverly.

Santa Fe AgriLeaders: one week remains until the 4th annual Mo Ag Stewardship Conference! Join us January 31 at the Concordia Community Center for a day full of learning. SFAL members can pay dues at the door and attend the Conference for free! Visit the website for more info or to register: www.santafeagrileaders.org

Elementary Basketball tonight vs. Concordia 5:00 pm in Waverly.

Stu Co Blood Drive today from 2-6pm in the High School commons.

There is NO elementary basketball game tonight. It has been CANCELLED. Sorry for the confusion if you received the automated reminder about the game tonight.

Elementary Basketball tonight at 5:00 pm vs. St. Peter's

Slater Tournament 2025

Elementary basketball tonight vs. St. Peter's has been cancelled. We will not reachedule this game.

Santa Fe will not be in session tomorrow because of the extreme cold conditions.

Santa Fe Agri Leader Winter meeting tonight at 7pm inside the Ag classroom. Dr. Bryon Weigand, MU will talk about Revitalizing the Meat Science department at Mizzou and give the latest updates on the new MU Processing facility project. Pay dues to get your FREE registration to the Mo Ag Stewardship Conference coming up Jan. 30th.