Game tonight!
about 5 hours ago, Paula Brown
Ag Construction II Christmas Tree Project!
about 5 hours ago, Paula Brown
Updated I-70 Conference Brackets
about 7 hours ago, Paula Brown
I-70 Conference Tournament- Girls bball vs Orrick (@ Lone Jack) 7pm
about 7 hours ago, Paula Brown
Elementary Christmas Program tonight at 6:30 pm. Doors will open at 6:15.
1 day ago, Missy Hinz
Updated I-70 Conference Tournament Bracket-Girls
1 day ago, Paula Brown
I-70 Conf. Tournament Boys bball vs St. Paul (@ Crest Ridge) 7pm
1 day ago, Paula Brown
PTO blanket orders are ready for pick-up at the elementary school. Orders may be picked up between 7:40 am & 3:30 pm, or immediately following the Christmas Concert on Tuesday evening in the library.
2 days ago, Santa Fe Elementary
On Tuesday, December 10, the elementary school will hold their Christmas Concert at 6:30 pm. Doors will open at 6:15 pm.
2 days ago, Santa Fe Elementary
JH bball @ Orrick 5:30pm- Girls A, girls B (2 qtrs), boys A, boys B ( 2 qtrs). Varsity Girls bball I-70 Conf. Tournament. vs Concordia @ Lone Jack 7pm
2 days ago, Paula Brown
Reminder: Junior Class After Prom Parent Meeting is tonight at 5 PM in the High School Commons.
5 days ago, Amy VanBuskirk
Cheer will be selling earrings, pom poms, and vintage uniforms tonight at the game!
5 days ago, Paula Brown
JV Girls vs Odessa 4:30pm, V Girls/Boys vs Norborne to follow. Go CHIEFS!
5 days ago, Paula Brown
This is a friendly reminder that tonight at 5:30 pm, Mrs. Kuntz will be hosting a Parent Education Night n the Elementary Library. She will discuss her Safe Bodies lessons and provide support and advice on how to talk to your children about this important topic. PTO meeting will follow! We hope to see you there!
6 days ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Friday night home game!
6 days ago, Paula Brown
I-70 Conference Basketball Tournament Brackets. Let's go CHIEFS!
6 days ago, Paula Brown
JH bball vs St. Paul 5pm (Boys A will play first, then Boys B, Girls A, Girls B)
6 days ago, Paula Brown
FFA Members: FFA Fruit/Meat sales will be ready to pick up today by 3:00pm. Mrs. Schreiman will be at the school until 6:00pm tonight for pick up. Please pick up your items tonight and get delivery in a timely manner. Thank you!
7 days ago, Amy VanBuskirk
Parent Opportunities at SFE on THURSDAY! Parent Education Night for our Safe Bodies Lessons will be held this Thursday at 5:30 PM , followed by a PTO meeting at 6:00 pm. Both events will take place in the Elementary Library.
7 days ago, Santa Fe Elementary
JH tonight will be Girls A Girls B 2 qtrs Boys A Boys B 2 qtrs
7 days ago, Paula Brown