Santa Fe basketball @ St. Paul's tonight 5:00 pm JVB - 2 Quarters, (no JV girls), Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys Go CHIEFS!
23 days ago, Paula Brown
Santa Fe AgriLeaders: CORRECTION! Mo Ag Stewardship Conference is Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the Concordia Community Center from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Sorry for any confusion!
23 days ago, Paula Brown
Santa Fe AgriLeaders: one week remains until the 4th annual Mo Ag Stewardship Conference! Join us January 31 at the Concordia Community Center for a day full of learning. SFAL members can pay dues at the door and attend the Conference for free! Visit the website for more info or to register:
24 days ago, Paula Brown
Stu Co Blood Drive today from 2-6pm in the High School commons.
25 days ago, Paula Brown
Slater Tournament 2025
25 days ago, Paula Brown
Santa Fe will not be in session tomorrow because of the extreme cold conditions.
26 days ago, Paula Brown
Santa Fe Agri Leader Winter meeting tonight at 7pm inside the Ag classroom. Dr. Bryon Weigand, MU will talk about Revitalizing the Meat Science department at Mizzou and give the latest updates on the new MU Processing facility project. Pay dues to get your FREE registration to the Mo Ag Stewardship Conference coming up Jan. 30th.
26 days ago, Paula Brown
Basketball @ Pilot Grove tonight at 5pm. 2 qtrs JV Girls, 2 qtrs JV Boys, Varsity girls, Varsity boys
27 days ago, Paula Brown
Courtwarming tonight vs. Sweet Springs @ 5:00 pm 2 Qt of JVG, 2 Qt of JVB, VG, & VB Freshman Dinner (pasta bar) from 5-7pm in the commons Coronation will take place during halftime of the Varsity Boys game Go CHIEFS!
29 days ago, Paula Brown
Please remember to bring your two desserts for Courtwarming to the school by 4pm tomorrow. Also check your email to see the work schedule.
about 1 month ago, Amy VanBuskirk
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 1 month ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Come join our team! More information & application can be found using the link below.
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
Basketball @ Leeton tonight at 5:30pm 2 qtrs JV boys, V girls, V boys Go CHIEFS!
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
Junior Parents After Prom meeting tonight at 5:30pm
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
JV girls/boys games tonight vs Marshall @ 5pm. Please use caution when entering the building. Sidewalks are clear/parking lots are still icy. Handicap is recommended to enter through the circle drive and get dropped off, if possible. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
Come eat and catch some basketball this Friday night!
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
Santa Fe Agri Leaders winter meeting tonight at 7pm in the Ag classroom. Help us welcome Mo Cattleman's Matthew Jenkins, as he talks all things grazing while highlighting the latest stats on grazing corn stocks.
about 1 month ago, Amy VanBuskirk
Dress up days for Courtwarming spirit week!
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
Reminder of the JV G/B basketball game tomorrow vs Marshall. Girls start at 5:00 pm. Boys to follow.
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown
High School Basketball games tonight at Otterville and Adrian are postponed.
about 1 month ago, Paula Brown