February 2, 2022
Mr. Lark is challenging all Santa Fe Elementary and SF High School Students to build a snow fort —— the first elementary student and the first high school student to post a pictur...

January 14, 2022
Please note that there has been a change to the Santa Fe District Calendar for the month of February. We will be IN school on Monday, February 7, and there will be NO school on Mo...

January 7, 2022
Friday, January 14
Games begin at 4:00 pm
Freshman Courtwarming Dinner 5:00-7:00 pm – Soup & Sliders
Auction takes place between Varsity girls’ a...

December 3, 2021
Save Those Tabs!
Our elementary students are collecting tabs for the Kansas City Ronald McDonald House. Please save tabs from aluminum cans, soup cans, pet food cans, etc. C...

December 3, 2021
SFE Music Program---Tuesday, December 7th
Mrs. Hollingsworth, Mr. Gaddy, and the students have been preparing for our upcoming concert. As we did last year, to limit the number...

November 9, 2021
Thank you from PTO!!!
Thank you to everyone who purchased donuts! We raised over $2800 with this fundraiser.

October 19, 2021
Help Wanted:
SF Elementary and SF High School are in need of substitute teachers, substitute food service workers and substitute bus drivers. Please contact Santa Fe R-X Sch...

October 19, 2021
We're so excited that our Book Fair has been extended! If you haven't had the opportunity to visit Santa Fe Elementary's Book Fair (or even if you have), stop by tomorrow, Tuesd...
October 18, 2021
We are pleased to announce that our Scholastic Book Fair will be open today and tomorrow (10/18-10/19) after school until 4:30!
September 14, 2021
The honorary football captains for Friday night's game vs. St. Joseph Christian were Michael Barrett and Koewen Dierker. These boys were chosen by the faculty and staff at Santa ...

September 9, 2021
Help Wanted:
Santa Fe Elementary School is needing substitute teachers and substitute food service workers. Contact Leslie Boehmer at Central Office, 108 N. Chiefs Ave. Alma,...

September 2, 2021
WE NEED YOU! September 8 --- 5:30 PM in the SFE library
Joining PTO is a great way to meet other parents. Share ideas and improve opportunities for our children. Help stren...

July 26, 2021
We would like to congratulate the recent retirees from Santa Fe Elementary School and thank them for their many years of service to the Santa Fe R-X School District.

May 3, 2021
May 3-7 is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we’ve got the best!

April 7, 2021
The first Wednesday in April is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day. We want to recognize and honor our paraprofessionals, who work endlessly to support students and teachers. Santa...

March 2, 2021
Kansas City Royals Vouchers
The Santa
Fe Baseball team will be playing at Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City
Royals, against the Concordia Orioles on Thursday, ...

February 26, 2021
BEGINS..... Monday, April 5 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Come learn about our Santa Fe Preschool, tour the facility, and meet the staff. Even if your child is currently enrolled in our pres...

February 25, 2021
Santa Fe Elementary School was the recipient of a grant in the amount of $5008.00 to support our students in the practice of self-regulation by providing training through a licens...