Gather your team now for the 10th Annual SF AgriLeader Golf Classic! August 7 Indian Foothills. Register your 3 person team at www.santafeagrileaders.org Limited to first 25 teams with paid entry!

UPDATE on the Kansas City Royals Baseball Vouchers: If you purchased vouchers from any Santa Fe Baseball player, these vouchers will be honored through the 2021 season.

SF Parents please check your email as report cards were emailed out today. Direct questions you may have to either Missy mhinz@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us or DeAnn at dmalan@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us

Santa Fe Students that have checked out Laptops or Hot Spots, need to return those technology items via the food bus route, May 18 - 20. If you are not on the meal route contact Missy or DeAnn to make arrangements: mhinz@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us dmalan@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us

Santa Fe Students that have checked out Laptops or Hot Spots, need to return those technology items via the food bus route, May 18 - 20.

Congrats to our Field Day Champions, Sami & Abbi Mueller, Brody Cramer & Jacob Wetmore!

Seniors --- It's Friday Night --- see you at 8:20 pm TONIGHT for your FINAL "Friday Night Lights" gathering. Remember social distancing and we will see you on the football field!! We love our SF Seniors!!! Go Chiefs!

Please refer to the Santa Fe R-X home page for an update (COVID-19, Update #7) from Superintendent, Mr. Derek Lark (Distance Learning, Graduation, Prom). Thank you for your continued support!

Those of you that purchased Royals Vouchers through the SF BB team, the Royals are not saying at this time how they can be used as they do not know how their season will unfold. We will keep you posted as we know more.

Class of 2020 - Friday night lights - see you at 8:20 tonight! We miss you seniors!!! Go Chiefs!!!!

Shoutout to Santa Fe Principals Mrs. Stacey Smith and Mr. Tom Burton for your dedication and unwavering commitment to our students, staff and Santa Fe families!! Our district is blessed to have you both at the helm, you are greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!

We miss our Chiefs!

Class of 2020 - it’s Friday night ... see you under the lights from 8:20-8:40 pm. Remember your social distancing, be safe, stay healthy and know we miss you so much!!!! Class of 2020 you are awesome, you are Chiefs strong! 💕

Reminder: Santa Fe will not deliver meals on this Friday, April 24 or Friday, May 1 as these days were already scheduled as days not in session. Stay safe, stay healthy ---- we miss you!!!!!

It has been brought to our attention that some of you may not have received grade cards on Friday. We are re-sending them today. If you do not receive please contact Missy mhinz@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us or DeAnn dmalan@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us Thank you!!!

Phone lines at the high school are not working today. If you need to contact the high school, please call 660-493-2811 and an elementary staff member will be happy to help you.

Santa Fe's Little Chief Preschool will be taking applications by U.S. Mail through Friday, May 22. You can download and print the application from our website, or you can call the elementary office at 660-493-2811 to request an application by mail. Please mail the completed application, a copy of your child's birth certificate and immunization record, along with the $20 application fee to Santa Fe Elementary School, 703 W. Walnut, Waverly, MO 64096. Due to the current situation with COVID-19, please do NOT come to the school to pick up or drop off applications.
Even if your child is currently enrolled this school year, you must fill out the new application and pay the supply fee to hold a spot for your child.

SF Plant Sale: SF Horticulture Dept. is considered an essential business as they produce plants for people to purchase and grow their own food. This year's plant sale will look a little different as it is by appointment only starting April 20 until sold out. Please contact Martha Schreiman at 660-229-3127 for more information! Please share with friends and family!! Thank you for your continued support!!

SF Chiefs: Tonight 4/10, SFHS will be joining schools across the country by turning on our stadium lights at 8:20 pm, which is 20:20 military time. We will leave them on for 20 minutes, 20 seconds to honor the class of 2020. WE MISS YOU!!!!

Check out the Elementary Page on our website for pics of our Crazy Socks!! Virtual Spirit Week Sock-it to Coronavirus Day!